About us 🍀

Kolm Sibulat (Three Onions) – who are we actually?

Restaurant Kolm Sibulat is nestled in the vibrant heart of Tallinn’s city center. From time to time we are asked to define what kind of cuisine we make here. The easiest way to describe us is fusion-confusion depending on which part of the world our inspiration currently comes from. Our menu blends both fast and slow cooking – combinig the best qualities of them both. You can find ramen-inspired noodle dishes, Middle Eastern pearl coucous, Mediterranean hummus, Thai inspired red lentil soup and spicy Korean kimchi cabbage. One thing is certain –everything that comes from our kitchen is made with love!

The idea to establish a second restaurant came from our two head chefs. They are true artists at their heart. Our first restaurant Moon has a very distinctive style of cooking and this set too many limits to the two creative souls in the kitchen. So our chefs came up with the concept of Kolm Sibulat.

We consider Kolm Sibulat as the baby brother of Moon. An unusual name, an unsual location, but otherwise very homely and cozy.

Yours truly,
Roman, Igor ja Jana

🍀 Green Footprint

In our new location, we have been able to add several new sustainable measures.
Water – we offer our guests a more planet-friendly solution, the Groche water filtration system, which cleans our tap water with carbon filters, and therefore we have less packaging waste and controlled water use.
Food – In our Kolm Sibulat restaurant menu has always had an important place and a good selection of vegetarian and vegan food. We were also able to take our ramen to a new level. In other words, our head chef took it to the point where we make all our noodles completely from scratch. We use organic-eco grains from the Koksvere Mill, from which we grind flour on the spot and make the appropriate dough from which our wonderful noodles are made. A long process, but very worth the effort.
Drink – we offer our visitors the products of various local Estonian producers, such as craft lemonades from Õie and Ingel, and local beer from both Põhjala and Pühaste breweries. In our wine list, we try to stay within the borders of Europe to reduce the Co2 footprint.
Green areas – here you can get to know the parks and green areas closest to us